By Rayane Souza Lima,
Student of the second year at afternoon
About me
My name is Rayane Souza Lima. My nickname is Ray. I was born in 1994 at Piritiba city. I am sixteen years old.
In my childhood, I used to play doll, little house and little school. I use to have a dog. I use to go to the family’s house, square and a friend’s house. I used to play soccer. I played with my friends.
My first school was “Alegria do Saber”. My first teacher was Aline. My best teachers of the elementary school were “Jadivan, Aline and Lucineide”, My first childhood’s friends were “Larissa, Grazi, Dalila, Bianca and Jilvan.”
In 2005, I started to study at “São Sebastião “school. In 2006 my friends were “Luane, Samara, Welton, Wilton, Paloma, Alani and Jaciara.”My best teachers in this school were “Mera Núzia, Sueide, Ely and Clara.” 2008 was a very good year; because I passed to the first year of the medium teach. I was very happy!
In 2009, I studied at morning. It was very good! I did new friends. Their names were: “Afonso Caique, Saymon, Samarone, Alessandro, Tarciano, Fábio, Aldinei, Jeovana, Jordana, Daiaene and Paloma.”In this year, my best teachers were” Aldione, Argileu, Nádia, Elisângela, Uiara, Eliseu and Jucélio.”
Today, I study at “João Queiroz “school the second year. My friends are “Luane, Poliana, Jaciara and Alana.” My best teachers are “Norberta, Toniany, Uiara, Edna and Elisângela.” I love their!
My favorite musics are “Sobre eu e você”, “Levo comigo” and “Recomeçar”. My favorite singers were “Luan Santana”, Beyonce and Justin. My favorite groups are Restart, “ Nx zero”, “ Mala sem Alça” and “ Parangolé” The friends that I love more are “Bruno, Roberto, Gabriel, Dudu, Luciano, Adriano, marcos, Thiago, Kel, Júnior, . I love my brother Ramille, too!
I love my life, because I am happy. I have an excellent family!
Em uma visão geral, o Blog está muito bom mesmo. Agora, comentando esse texto da Aluna Rayne, uma coisa me chamou a atenção. No título ela se propõe a falar sobre ela. Isso é perfeitamente entendível. Agora, pelo início ela leva-nos a creditar que o seu assunto será sobre sua vida pessoal e social. Mas, aí ela mescla a vida pessoal na infância e, logo após, a sua vida escolar, revelando quem são os seus melhores colegas e professores em cada escola e série. Isso, pra mim, que tenho formação em Magistério, é interessantíssimo, porque me vem à mente o pensamento de que sempre, quando professores, deixamos marcas na vida de um aluno. Prefiro que sejam as melhores marcas. Gostei mesmo.